Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I have enjoyed doing the blog.  It has allowed me to reflect more about what is going on in my classroom and how I can improve.  I am going to try to keep this blog, and turn it into a way to communicate with my students and parents.  I communicate with them through email, conferences, phone calls, etc, but what a great way to post pictures and do things a little more creatively! This would also give me more opportunities to post "homework help" and games for my parents and students to use.  I can definitely see how this might be a great asset to incorporate this technology into my classroom.

What to expect...

Besides reading books on becoming an effective teacher and how to have good classroom management, this is a book I have been diving into.  This 4th edition book is a great reference for any expectant mother.  Heidi Murkoff, the author, rewrote every section of this book, updating the questions asked and answered, and giving it a fresh perspective.  It answers a wide variety of questions, from telling your work about your pregnancy and nutritional tips to the emotional, physical and sexual developments and changes you go through.  Over 90% of pregnant women are said to have read this book, and I understand why.  This book has helped me (and my husband) in preparing us for what is happening with the baby as well as answering those important questions, like how to deal with the emotional roller coaster spells I periodically have.  :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Character Education...

I can't believe this semester has almost come to an end.  Here are a few pictures of the kiddos working on a few different things...and no, it wasn't staged! :)  Along with the curriculum, I think it is important to teach my students more than what the SLE's say.  Yes, those are very important, but I believe teaching them how to be good citizens, good people is a responsibility of mine as well.  My brother-in-law is a Master Sergeant in the Marines, and he, along with my sister and niece, are stationed in Iwakuni, Japan.  After our lesson one day, I asked my students if they wanted to make cards for the 235th birthday of the Marines and/or Happy Holiday cards to send overseas to my brother-in-law to pass out to Marines that couldn't be home for the holidays.  They were excited about doing this! Some even took theirs home to make them more decorative.  They shared stories with me about their loved ones who were in the military.  They didn't ask what they were getting out of this.  They didn't moan.  They just began asking when could they start.  One good deed down, hopefully many more to go...  :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Around this time of year, people start to think of things that they are thankful for...It doesn't take a holiday to remind me how lucky I am to be teaching.  This semester has been one of the most rewarding...and challenging things I've ever done.  I love it.  I am lucky for the school where I am teaching; everyone from my mentor to the administrators have been so wonderful to me.  You can tell they are there for the same reason I help children learn.  Now, of course, nothing's perfect.  I have faced my trials, and not everyday is a "Mary Poppins-kind-of day."  However, I do realize what a privilege it is to begin my teaching career in the school that I am in.  Not everyone gets to teach in their first pick of schools, but I do.  So, in honor of this Thanksgiving holiday, I just want to say thank you to my professors for doing what you do and what you have done for me, for my school and mostly, for my kids...thank you for teaching me as well as hopefully learning something from me along the way.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Chasing Harry Winston

Emmy, Leigh and Adriana are three very different girls, but they have been best friends for over 10 years in the greatest city on earth.  One becomes unwillingly single, one thinks she has it all with her publishing career and new dream husband and one is the daughter of a famous supermodel.  As they near thirty, they're looking toward their future...but despite all they've earned -- first-class travel, career promotions, invites to all the right parties, and luxuries small and large -- they're not quite sure they like what they see...
One Saturday night at the Waverly Inn, Adriana and Emmy make a pact: within a single year, each will drastically change her life. Leigh watches from the sidelines, not making any promises, but she'll soon discover she has the most to lose. Their friendship is forever, but everything else is on the table. Three best friends. Two resolutions. One year to pull it off.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Target Test

Well, our first Target Test has already come and gone for the school year! I don't have the results yet, but I did have to grade the Open Response section.  I was REALLY happy with my students! The majority of them got all of the points! The ones that missed parts of it seemed to almost all make the same mistake.  So, I will be able to go over it, and correct the way they were thinking it through.  One of the things I have been telling them is to ATTEMPT the Open Response, even if you're unsure! On previous tests and even the Benchmark, students were getting 0 out of the possible points, because they left it blank! I have made sure to let them know that is unacceptable in my class.  I'm trying to get them into the habit of at least attempting every question, whether it be on homework, bellwork, quizzes, tests, whatever! I was pleased to see that everyone attempted all 3 sections of the Open blanks! I tell them everyday, even in class discussions, that I want them to give me an answer, even if they think they are wrong.  It's easier for me to know that I need to explain things another way or work with them later one-on-one over a misconception if I know what they are thinking.  One thing that I've really worked on with my kids is making them comfortable with asking questions.  I even had a student last week tell me that she appreciated that I don't mind answering her (numerous) questions during, before and after class.  She said some teachers act bothered by it.  Why would I be bothered about students wanting to understand? Why would I mind that students are engaged enough and interested enough to want to know more? Isn't that what my goal is? Isn't that what I'm there for?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Cupcake Queen

The Cupcake Queen
by: Heather Hepler

I really enjoyed this book! It kept me entertained with all the characters, especially with all the adults having food names.  It was a very easy read.  This book is for 10-14 year olds, and I think this would be a good one for them to add to their list of must-reads.  Penny is going through what a lot of teenagers are going through, like divorce, bullying and making new friends, but Mrs. Hepler puts a unique twist on the story.  She keeps it fun and enjoyable.

¢Penny is used to living in Manhattan, population 8.2 million, but when her parents separate, her mom takes her to Hog’s Hollow, population 5,134.  Her mom opens a bakery in Hog’s Hollow, where Penny helps, along with her grandmother.  Getting used to the small town life is hard…especially when the popular crowd has decided they don’t like the new girl.  But, there starts to be perks in this small town.  She makes a couple of new friends, finds an art studio and even a boy she keeps running into on the beach.  She begins to think that maybe she had the wrong impression of Hog’s Hollow after all. 
      Just when Penny starts to get settled into the small town life with her new friends, her parents turn her world upside down, yet again.  They are getting a divorce, and now she has to make a choice…where does she want to live?

       Will she move back with her father to The City, to the big city life she’s always    known? Or will she stay in Hog’s Hollow with her mother and live the small town life?